Saturday, February 11, 2017


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v1g!nal odor is any odor that originates from the v1gina. It is normal to experience v1ginal odor from time to time or have a slight odor, but a strong v1ginal odor might be abnormal and could indicate a problem.

Any abnormal odor is usually associated with other v1ginal signs and symptoms such as itching, burning, irritation or discharge. This problem could be caused by a lot of different reasons, including the overgrowth of bacteria, hormonal changes, poor hygiene, yeast infections, and STDs.
Here are ways to prevent and cure v1ginal odor:
1. Avoid Red Meat
Red meat tastes really good, but it isn’t good for your v1ginal hygiene. Apparently, it makes you sweat more and it makes your v1gina smell just within 2 hours after consuming it.
2. A Pineapple a day keeps the odor away This tropical fruit can help you sweeten the smell of your asset.
3. Consume more yogurt
Yogurt is rich in lactobacillus bacteria which helps in fighting v1ginal odor. It also restores the normal pH level. For better results, have 2 cups of unsweetened plain yogurt daily.
4. Use wet wipes
Wet wipes come in various amazing fragrance. You can use wet wipes to make your v1gina smell good.
5. Keep your undies clean every day
Of course this is a given! Changing your undies every day, and keeping them clean at all times is the best defense against v1ginal odor.
6. Healthy food equals healthy you
Yeast infection causes the musky smell of v1gina. Healthy diet repels such kind of infection.
7. Drink tea
It’s an old remedy, you can rinse your v1gina with some tea. You can prefer mint or peppermint!
8. Visit your gynecologist
Schedule a visit to your gynecologist often, to make sure you haven’t contracted any STD’s, and be aware of any health problems regarding your v1gina.ads4

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